Why under construction buildings being covered with Green Cloth? civil site engineer

Tecno Construction

 Why are buildings being covered with Green cloth

Green color is visible from far away. Also, at night it reflexes even in the slightest light.
That is why the buildings being built are covered with green cloth.



 In cities, we can see tall buildings being built. With the help of big cranes and machines, the Ganga-skid buildings are erected. We see machines around the building being built, then we get an idea that they are also involved in making this building, but one more thing is seen on the construction site. Green cloth. Due to which the building being built is covered.

 Have you ever wondered why the sky-touching buildings are covered with green cloth. If this is not known, then it is fine. We have brought all this information for you.

The reason behind the construction of the building being covered with green cloth is told that the attention of the worker working at the height has not been distracted or that he should not be distracted by seeing himself suddenly at such a height. This can prove fatal for him.

Also, people from outside also keep looking at the tall buildings. In such a situation, there should not be any kind of mental pressure on the people working there. Therefore, the balding that is being made is covered with green cloth.

  • The biggest reason is??

Wherever building starts, huge amount of dust and cement used in building fly on the construction site. Because of this, it becomes a big problem for the people living nearby. People do not have to face troubles. Therefore, a building made of green cloth is covered. So that the dust and mud coming out of it could not come out.

  •  Why the color green??

So far, the question must be wandering in your mind why the building is not covered with red and white cloth. After all, why the color green? So the simple answer to this is that green color is visible from a distance. Also, at night it reflexes even in the slightest light. That is why the buildings being built are covered with green cloth.

Therefore, wherever large buildings are built and there is a population around it, the building made of green cloth is completely covered. So that no one else has trouble with this.


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